Minutes of meeting signing ceremony for the support of the Japanese experts for Restoration Project of Japanese Covered Bridge

Friday - 15/04/2022 03:21
Japanese Covered Bridge in Hoi An, a unique architectural building showing the long-standing friendly relationship between Vietnam and Japan, is a valuable foundation for the friendship and cooperation between the two countries in the future.
Since the Vietnam - Japan diplomatic relations were established on September 21st, 1973, Japan has provided valuable assistance and support to Vietnam in many fields, especially in the field of research and conservation of the World Cultural Heritage - Hoi An Ancient Town of Quang Nam. The event of the Vietnam - Japan Cultural Space with the nucleus of Japanese Covered Bridge was opened by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the evening of November 11st, 2017, marking another special milestone in the friendship between Vietnam and Japan in general and in Hoi An in particular. The Restoration Project of Japanese Covered Bridge will be implemented. The Japanese Covered Bridge is a symbol of Hoi An cultural heritage, a symbol of the long-standing friendship between Vietnam and Japan. Therefore, the restoration must be carried out very carefully, requiring the support of domestic and international scientists and experts, especially experience from Japan.
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The scene of the minutes of meeting signing ceremony for the support of the Japanese experts for Restoration Project of Japanese Covered Bridge

      In order to support Japanese experts with advice, technical support, and experience for Restoration Project of Japanese Covered Bridge, on the afternoon of March 26th, 2022, Hoi An People Committee and Japan International Cooperation Agency in Vietnam (JICA) held the minutes of meeting signing ceremony for the support of the Japanese experts for Restoration Project of Japanese Covered Bridge. Attending the signing ceremony, there were Mr. Shimizu Akira - Chief Representative of JICA Vietnam Office, Mr. Hoang Dao Cuong - Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, leaders of UNESCO Hanoi Office, Viet Nam National Commission for UNESCO, Department of Cultural Heritage, representatives of Management Boards of World Heritage Sites in Vietnam; Mr. Tran Van Tan - Member of Standing Committee of Quang Nam Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of Quang Nam People’s Committee and leaders of Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Department of Planning and Investment; leaders of Hoi An city and agencies and departments of Hoi An city.
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Mr. Tran Van Tan - Member of Standing Committee of Quang Nam Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of Quang Nam People’s Committee speaking at the signing ceremony
      Speaking at the signing ceremony, Mr. Tran Van Tan was delighted that the Restoration Project of Japanese Covered Brige was especially interested with technical support and experts by scientists, organizations of Japan to join Vietnam in restoring this special monument. Quang Nam appreciates their enthusiastic support. With the support of Japanese experts in technical expertise and experience, it is certain that the Japanese Covered Brige in our beloved Hoi An Ancient Town will be restored to the best results. The values ​​of the relic will be preserved with integrity, authenticity and long-term sustainability in the future.
Mr. Shimizu Akira - Chief Representative of JICA Vietnam Office speaking at the signing ceremony
      Mr. Shimizu Akira - Chief Representative of JICA Vietnam Office said that the restoration of the Japanese Coverd Bridge faces many difficulties, requiring high technical knowledge and expertise. Based on the cooperation proposal of Hoi An city and the long-term cooperation with JICA, JICA will support the Restoration Project of the Japanese Coverd Bridge in which Quang Nam province and Hoi An city are investors through sending activities of Japanese experts and volunteers. 2023 is the year of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan. We hope that the successful restoration of the Japanese Coverd Bridge will be a major turning point helping to attract more tourists. This building will further promote the exchanges between Vietnam and Japan in general, and between Hoi An city and Japan in particular.
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Mr. Shimizu Akira - Chief Representative of JICA Vietnam Office and Mr. Nguyen Van Son - Chairman of Hoi An People’s Committee signing at the ceremony 
      At the end of the minutes of meeting signing ceremony, Hoi An Center for Cultural Heritage Management and Preservation launched the book “The Japanese Covered Bridge” and presented this special publication to the delegates attending the ceremony.
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Mr. Nguyen Van Son - Chairman of Hoi An People’s Committee presenting the book  “The Japanese Covered Bridge” to the delegates
      The signing of minutes of meeting for the support of the Japanese experts for Restoration Project of Japanese Covered Bridge between Hoi An People’s Committee and JICA Vietnam Office is an important event for the scientific results of monument restoration and strengthens the long-standing friendly relationship between Vietnam and Japan.

Source: Hoi An Center for Cultural Heritage Management and Preservation

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