On September 23, 2020, Hoi An People's Committee issued Decision No. 2941/QD-UBND approving "The plan to survey and propose to restore some intangible cultural forms that have been lost or are in danger of being destroyed in Cham Island", in which, the City People's Committee assigned Hoi An Center for Cultural Heritage Management and Preservation to conduct a survey on lifestyle changes in Cham Island. The survey will be implemented in this August.
Bamboo crafts in Cham Island
The survey aims to honestly identify the current lifestyle of local residents along with traditional crafts, customs, beliefs, rituals and other cultural activities. The information will be collected through community consultation, interview questionnaire combined with photography and documentary filming.
The result of survey could help the Center to analyze, evaluate and draw conclusions about the changes of surveyed objects, from that proposing solutions to preserve and promote specific types of intangible cultural heritage of Cham Island.